Le coin des amatheurs de sciences version 2
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A small site for great sciences... With all the files (space, genetics, history...), discover various things concerning all sciences. Did you already observe the green ray ? Do you know what is the ball which raises professor Calculus in The seven crystal balls ? Do you know how much Ariane rockets were already launched ? And how the species evolve ? From which does the Atlantis' legend come from ? To know all that, it is enough for you to consult this site ! If you're interesting in a subject, visit the forum. Don't forget to write a message in the visitor's book !
PS : if you have a subject of article to propose to me, do not hesitate to write to me !
Médéric Bayard, webmaster of the site.
Last update(s) : 06/28/2010 - Jokes of scientists
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