Le coin des amatheurs de sciences version 2
The sections of the site : The site FORUM
The space
The genetics
Tintin and science
Ecology - Nuclear energy
Mysteries of the history
- This forum is made for scientific subjects. For all messages about the site, please use the visitors' book. |
- The french laws consider the organisation of Raël as a sect. The messages which promote it, or the reproductive cloning, will be refused. |
Recherche spatiale (4 message(s) - updated on 11/14/2007 )
La prédiction sismique (2 message(s) - updated on 12/10/2004 )
Science et religion (7 message(s) - updated on 11/14/2007 )
La peur des sciences (4 message(s) - updated on 11/11/2007 )
Evolution (7 message(s) - updated on 11/11/2007 )
Philosophie (19 message(s) - updated on 11/24/2007 )
Théorie du chaos en pleurs (1 message(s) - updated on 04/21/2008 )
Les exemples en maths (3 message(s) - updated on 05/14/2008 )
Devinette (1 message(s) - updated on 05/11/2008 )
Faute sur ton site ? (2 message(s) - updated on 08/28/2008 )
This subject contains messages in French.