During the summer 2006, John Pendry and David Smith gave a theoric solution to make some objects invisible, by diverting the rays and giving the feeling that they pass through it. And only a few months later, they did it !
They made a little cylinder (12 cm of diameter) composed of many cylindrical layers made with little metallic buckles (that's why the rays are diverted). Then they put in this object a cylinder of copper and lighted it with micro-waves. Result : on the other side, this waves seemed not to have met any object !
However, this method now succeeds only with waves in little frequences, like the micro-waves, but not with the visible light because the diameter of the little metallic buckles has to be reduced. And for a procedure of concealment, it's for the moment only a dream : the waves doesn't go through the object, they go around it. So, a man in the cylinder wouldn't receive any light and wouldn't see anything from the other side !

According to Sciences et Avenir number 718, décembre 2006