Some studies tend to establish bonds between vaccines and the autism of vaccinated people. In 1998, English Andrew Wakefield published the results of his study relating to twelve children vaccinated against the ROR. Causing a doubt in the scientific community, it then initiated a true wave. The doctors have remaked tests, studied the statistics again, studied the twelve children in question, but nothing made there : no bond was established.
Recently, the same newspaper in which Wakefield had published its article published a new text. It revealed that the children concerned were concerned by a procedure of complaint against the manufacturer of vaccine ROR, and that Wakefield had been paid 103 000 $. Pretty conflict of interest !
Unfortunately, the excuses of the misled newspaper did not change anything : From 1998 to 2003, the population preferred to rather believe a study than of the hundreds of others which ensured the absence of bond. Result : in five years, the rate of parents vaccinating their children passed from 91 to 79 %, which is amply insufficient, because largely below the threshold allowing of eradicate a disease.
Wakefield continued the newspaper in question, but one is forced to note that its study relates only to twelve children, and that it moreover did not establish any comparative with healthy children. A study carried out in Denmark between 1991 and 1997 revealed two things : the cases of autism were increasingly numerous, whereas the number of vaccinations carried out remained stable ; the rate of autistic children is the same one between the vaccinated children and the not vaccinated children.
In 2004, a new study, published by the same magazine, brought precisions. She came from the examination of 6000 English medical files of vaccinated patients against the ROR, of which 1294 were children who had suffered of autism (or of similar disturbances) between 1987 and 2001. No link has been established between the moment of the vaccine and the first disturbances.
More than one simple phenomenon of society, this facts reveal us an important thing : our company profits from a very advanced medicine, and would like since all the diseases are explained. As soon as a disease as the autism does not find a cause well defined, one invents some and one blames the doctors...