Le coin des amatheurs de sciences version 2
The sections of the site : The site FORUM
The space
The genetics
Tintin and science
Ecology - Nuclear energy
Mysteries of the history
Mysteries of the history |
Reception |
The monster of the Log Ness |
Strange stones |
The first genocide ? |
Pascuan faces |
Absorbed city |
Alarming statues |
In 1772, the Roggeveen Dutchman, towards Polynesia, unloads on an island. It is the Easter Day : it calls it Easter Island. Its curiosity is then waked up by 600 gigantic statues, going up to 20 meters, turned towards the sun. Contrary to this much believe, they don't represent only whole heads, but bodies. However, the heads are so disproportionate compared to the body which one only sees they. The career, near to the volcano, contains more than 200 additional statues, not completed. Called « moai », these statues were set up between 500 and 800 of our era.
Today annexed by Chile, the island was formerly inhabited by ten different tribes. One does not know the origin of the population pascuane of the time, if not which it is related to the Polynesians. In 1862, the island undergoes a raid of slaves, and the population is almost entirely removed. It remains today only little of pascuans of origin.
It is that which explains why even the population of the island is unable to explain the role of these statues : some have advanced that they defended the island, but however they are turned towards the interior. Perhaps then a funerary role...
At the XIXème century, the fashion of the absorbed cities relates to also the Easter Island. Some see there vestiges of Driven or from Lemurie, others go until thinking of a advanced station of Atlantis. And, as in any mystery of the history, some people affirm that they represent extraterrestrial visitors...